opening: September 15th - 2010, Wednesday, 19 pm
closing date: October 23th, Saturday, 15pm
from 09/16 to 10/23/10
Mon-Fri: 8 am - 21 pm Sat: 9 am - 15 pm
Free admission
Live oral narration (performance)
The adventures of Quijote - or the praise to utopia, by Mónica Giraldo:
October 19th and 20th - 20 pm
It is a live show whose central axis is the oral narration (from memory) of some chapters of the classic of Spanish literature 'Dom Quixote de La Mancha ", written by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. The actress took three years preparing this idea systematically and continuously, taking into account that the novel was written to be read aloud.
The presentation will be in Spanish.
- Duration: 90 minutes
- place: Instituto Cervantes, São Paulo
- Free admission
Instituto Cervantes
- Avenida Paulista, nº 2439, São Paulo
- 01311-300 - Metrô Consolação (Subway)
- cultsao3@cervantes.es
- Tel: (11) 3897-9609
- http://saopaulo.cervantes.es/
- http://facebook.com/institutocervantes.sp
- Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo
- Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
- Barbosa/Moraes
- André Komatsu. Beto Shwafaty, Bruno Faria, Cadu, Carlos Zílio, Clara Ianni, Daré, Deyson Gilbert, Felipe Bittencourt, Guilherme Peters, Iran do Espírito Santo, Jean Scheurer, João Paulo Leite, Luciana Ohira & Sérgio Bonilha, Marcius Galan, Mónica Giraldo, Regina Parra, Regina Silveira, Roberto Moreira Junior, Stefan Brüggemann, Theo Craveiro, Tiago Alem Santinho, Tiago Judas, Vitor Cesar e Waltercio Caldas.
Specials acknowledgment:
- Fernando Piola, Luis Fernando Cardona, Maria Cecília Winter, Maria Rita Guedes, Tadeu Chiarelli, Raffaele Elia, Pedro Terra, Vitor César
Design and programming: Roberto Winter
Texts and content: Deyson Gilbert, Luiza Proença & Roberto Winter
Translations from portuguese: Luiza Proença & Roberto Winter
Images credits:
- Cadu: photograph by Ding Musa.
- Iran do Espírito Santo: photograph by Isabella Matheus.
- Jean Scheurer: photograph by Romulo Fialdini.
- Marcius Galan: photograph by Edouard Fraipoint.
- Mónica Giraldo: photograph by Diana Maria Fonseca.
- Regina Silveira: photograph by Roberto Winter.
- Stefan Brüggemann: photograph by Andre Morin.
- Waltercio Caldas: photograph by Wilton Montenegro.
Unless noted otherwise all the other images were made by the artists themselves.
The text content on this website is made available on a Brazilian Creative Commons license, for more information, please get in touch with us.